• Capstone Design Projects

    Students complete senior thesis requirements for graduation by designing, building, and testing a senior project.

  • Class of 2013

    18 computer engineering students graduated with the class of 2013.

  • Hands-On Curriculum

    CE majors learn teamwork, problem-solving, and communications skills in hands-on labs while earning their degree.

  • Driving Cars Remotely

    A team of CE students created an interface allowing them to control a vehicle remotely using a custom-built Android app.

  • Outreach Using Robots

    Annually in March, Computer Engineering students volunteer at the FIRST Robotics Competition, a high school outreach program.

  • Revolutionary Ideas

    Dr. John Warnock, co-founder of Adobe Systems, Inc., speaks about his pioneering work in graphics, publishing, and e-document technologies.

  • Asynchronous Design

    Prof. Ken Stevens is working on asynchronous design, a technique that changes the way timing works on a computer chip.

The Computer Engineering Program at the University of Utah



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Program Introduction

Introduction to the CE Major
How to become a CE Major
Meet the faculty
Speak with an adviser

What do computer engineers do?

  • Design silicon chips
  • Combine chips to design systems
  • Invent new systems and design entire networks
  • Develop system-level software to help devices run faster and more efficiently
  • Help chips, systems, and networks recover from failure
  • Invent new chips, systems, and networks to solve problems
Computer engineering majors focus on:

  • Understanding, diagnosing, and fixing design issues
  • Using advanced CAD tools
  • Working on interdisciplinary teams
  • The science of computer design

Computer engineering is an interdisciplinary field combining hardware with software, chip architecture with communications, quality control with design.
Learn more…
