Becoming a B.S. Computer Engineering student can be accomplished in four simple steps.

Step One

Before you can apply for major status, you must be a matriculated University of Utah student. If you haven’t already done so, you can start your application here:

Apply to the University of Utah

Step Two

Declare pre-major status in the Computer Engineering program. You can do this by emailing the Academic Advisor for the major.

Step Three

Complete the major status pre-requisite classes:

ECE 1250 OR ECE 1240, 1245, & 1050 ECE Design
Math 1310/1210 Calculus I
Math 1320/1220 Calculus II
Phys 2210 Physics for Engineers I
CS 1410 Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
CS 2420 Algorithms & Data Structures
WRTG 2010 2nd Year College Writing

Pre-Major GPA of 3.0 or higher
Cumulative U of U GPA of 2.5 or higher

Step Four

Apply for major status:

To apply for major status, please complete the “Admissions Module” in the ECE Student Hub on Canvas. If you previously declared a pre-major with us, then you have already been enrolled in the course. If you do not have access to the Canvas course, you may enroll here:

Join the ECE Student Hub


You must submit before grades are posted the semester prior to starting the major courses. For example, if you want to start on major classes in the Spring semester, you must submit your application prior to Fall grades being posted.

The Academic Advisor reviews major status applications once at the end of each semester. You will not be able to register for any further ECE or CS classes until your application has been approved.